Wednesday, December 29, 2010

foto by Razali : wedding photography give away contest

bestnye klu ade camera DSLR ...
bleh snap sana sini..blh release tensekan...
anyway..tgk gambo2 org yg cantik pun release tense jg...
sejak ber FBing nie..suka tgk FB2 photographer yg cantik2..
lg2 para pengantins...huhu. mula la berangan untuk gamba diri sendiri...hehe.bila la ye..jengjeng..??? insyaAllah mn la tau kan..
Who Knows...
riki punye riki....terjumpa dgn blog
siap ade contest lg..sempat lg nie klu nak join..
due date 30 Dec 2010.
mn la tau ada rezki..
ni cara2 nak join contest:
  1. kongsikan blue poster spt di atas pd kwn2. selain tu blh share jg di FB u'ols dgn tag 10 org kwn.
  2. kemudian, pilih mn2 gambar dr blog en razali atau dari FB beliau...then post + komen sincerely. jgn lupa title blog dan gambar mesti ada Foto By Razali : Wedding Photography Giveaway contest. ..dan Foto By Razali –
  3. SHARE :If you have twitter account, you can share it. This is your chances to get more friends read your entries. This is optional but really helpfulYou must Tweet the following message into your Twitter account*:
    RT @razali #malaysia #wedding #photography
    Change to your blog post about this entry URL
    * If you don’t have a Twitter account, you’ll need to start one up at WWW.TWITTER.COM. It takes about a minute. (haha dah lame tak twit)
  4. COMMENT :You must make a comment in the bottom of this post. The comment must include these three details:
    When the wedding is. The name of the couple getting married. Where the wedding will be.Feel free to make whatever other comments you like, but those three things get you entered!
  5. When:The contest starts today and the winner will be announced on December 31st, 2010. Entries will be accepted until December 30st, 2010 at 12PM. The contest is open to anyone having a wedding before November 30th, 2011.(cepat2...sempat lg)

anyway...klu tak mng grand prize pun..
all contestants entitle to get 10% discount for photog package..
mmm hebat tak hebat.. best ganda 23

puas riki2 sume photographer yg di kenali...
En razali nie ada style dan klas yang tersendiri..his captured are simple+light+looks alive
plus...his picture "evergreen".....yg penting he's alert to environment+creative
hoping to work with him someday..hehe
InsyaAllah. AMIN!
here are some captured that might be RARE for your eyes,
but it mesmerized my eyes+heart+soul due to its own style..luv it!!

Foto By Razali –

gambar nie dr blog en razali sempena perkahwinan Dahliana & Nazri
pada 14 March 2010, di Kampung Batu 6, Simpang Renggam

haha....knp sy pilih gamba nie??
mcm yg sy ckp td..he's alert to environment+creative
sng ckp RARE la nak jumpe OP mcm dia.
siapa sangka perhiasan nie pun dia blh terfikir utk di ambil sbgi salah satu gamba yg menarik.nice plk tu..
sbb dlm wedding pics gamba hantaran penting jg utk di ambil kire lbh2 lg cincin atau brg kemas sbgi hantaran. bkn ape kdg2 tuh tgk2 gamba org lain...benda2 mcm nie dia tak titik berat kan..
plus..dr gamba nie..beliau pandai atur kedudukan biar nmpak tgk pun dua 3 kali.sbb len dr lain.see pndai gak dia phyco org utk belek gambar dia..mmg mcm nie la kite nak..bile org tgk pic kawen pun 2 3 kali nak tgk lg....haha.n if sbgai pgntin pun..
memg sy berani,tak kisah n tercari2 OP RARE mcm beliau pndai plak tuh mengedit2 color...thumbs up la..
so....cb bygkn klu beliau amik gamba pengantins nnt..cantik+tertarik+"kau mmg daboom" la
tak caye?? uols blh tgk sendiri kat blog n fb beliau
senang crite..knp sy pilih en razali??? ...sbb dr hasil kerja beliau, En Razali ni mmg talented+creative+artheart+environment alert.
dr pic nie je, i believe that he know what his doing, the best and extraordinary services for his customer..
u'ols blh cuci mata dgn hasil2 kerja en razali dr blog&FB beliau di
all are nice captured..serious to say!! ptt la en razali nie dare to have a contest for his customer + future customer+ strangers+ anybody. caya la!!

p/s: lately, suka dgn qoute "who knows..." namun disebaliknya...Hanya Allah yg tahu..;)

Try Test..

its not too late
nak cube paste link la...hihi
p/s; facebook sy yg tak berapa contentnye..
sila add ye...


mmm..tak getinye nak edit blog..
mcmne blogger2 pandai gune blog ea?...

tak pe la..pelan2..
oh no!!
dah nak abes 2010....tak kurus jgk..
terpaksela tukar title blog nie...babablacksheep..ngehngeh..
yelar..berangan n angan2 jer... kate senang hati perut kenyang..nmpknye tepatla maksudnye..kihkih

nak cite bab kurus aku nie..mmg tak abes + buang karan + habuk pun takde..
tp tgkla 2011..kali nie takmo ckp ape dah..

meh kongsi2 jg..
plus..ade udg disebalik blog..aku mengactivate blog nie..hehe
anyway..keep in bloging..